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Beauty Glossary

Beauty Glossary-A
Often a mineral that rubs off dead skin cells evens skin texture.
Acetic Acid:
Sometimes used as a caustic or astringent.
Reduces the pH level of skin.
An inflammation of the skin disease caused by oil glands blocking pores, know as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the surface of skin.
Acrylic has moisture barrier or wall with waterproofing, water repelling properties.
Age Spots:
A darkly pigmented or colored area on the skin that arises with age.
AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids):
chemicals that reproduce an abrasive by sloughing dead skin cells to reveal new, fresh cells underneath.
An amino acid found in lots of moisturizers.
Used to dissolve oil, but as well as a moisturizer dependent on type, e.g. cetearyl alcohol.
Any non-acid substance with a pH greater than 7. It increases pH level of skin.
A botanical extract said to cure and soothe. Used in creams and topical preparations for the skin. It protects the skin from irritants.
A substance that causes an allergic reaction.
Reaction to an allergen; generally characterized by redness, itching, or swelling.
Almond Oil:
Vegetable oil derived from almonds with softening properties. It usually used in cosmetics. It is the oil high in moisturizing fatty acids.
Aloe Vera:
It is a succulent plant, the ingredient derived from the aloe plant, used to moisturize skin. Very beneficial to damaged, dry, chapped or sun-exposed skin and it is the most widely recognized skin care ingredients.
Alpha Hydroxy:
Alpha Hydroxy is an active substance with exfoliating and emollient properties.
Botanical root trusted to have emollient and comforting capabilities for skin.
Aluminum Stearate:
Normally used in lotions so as to promote a creamy texture.
Amino Acid:
Naturally occurs in human protein, used to put in moisturizing properties to lotions, creams, and conditioners.
It is the products to help lessen the signs of aging.
It is the offsets bacteria growth and reproduction.
Treatment that reduces inflammation.
Any ingredient that reduces certain signs of inflammation, such as swelling, tenderness, pain, itching, or redness.
Inhibits microbial growth. It is the substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
It is a substance that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals and the ingredient helps eliminate free radical attack.
Ascorbic Acid:
Also known as vitamin C.
Used to take out skin surface oils and to temporarily help appearance of pores.
An anti-inflammatory and soothing agent, derived from German chamomile. It is a superb analgesic, detoxifier, and calming to the skin.